Stealers sichern sich Cory Acton als neuen Shortstop

Die Hamburg Stealers freuen sich, die Verpflichtung von Cory Acton als ihren neuen Shortstop für die bevorstehende Saison bekannt zu geben. Mit dieser Entscheidung stärkt Cory nicht nur die Defensive des Teams, sondern verspricht den Fans auch aufgrund seiner beeindruckenden Schlagleistungen spannende Momente auf dem Spielfeld. Der 24-jährige Amerikaner spielt derzeit in Canberra, Australien, und wurde aufgrund seiner herausragenden Leistungen, darunter die Führung in Hits und Stolen Bases, zum All-Star der ABL gewählt. Vor seinem Engagement in Australien trug Acton das Trikot der Atlanta Braves in der Single A.


Coach David Wohlgemuth äußerte sich begeistert über die Verpflichtung von Cory Acton und betonte die Bedeutung seiner Erfahrung und Fähigkeiten für das Team. “Cory bringt nicht nur eine beeindruckende spielerische Leistung mit, sondern auch eine feste Entschlossenheit, unser Team auf ein höheres Niveau zu heben. Seine Präsenz auf dem Feld wird zweifellos einen positiven Einfluss auf die Dynamik unseres Teams haben.”

Die gesamte Organisation heißt Cory Acton herzlich in der Mannschaft willkommen und freut sich darauf, dass Acton demnächst eine aktive Rolle im #Stealersmovement spielen wird.

Hier ist ein kleines Interview mit Acton:

Stealers: How did you get started with playing baseball, and what experiences have you had in your career so far?

Cory: I got started playing baseball at a very young age. My dad used to beg me to pick up a hockey stick since he played professional hockey, but all I wanted to do was have him throw baseballs at me to hit. I’ve been fortunate to play baseball at a collegiate level in the Southeastern Conference with the University of Florida and the University of Georgia. I was then drafted to the Atlanta Braves in the 9th round of the 2022 MLB draft. I’ve also had the chance to play in the ABL currently for the Canberra Cavalry, which has sparked my interest to explore baseball in Europe.

Stealers: What led to your decision to come to Germany and play for the Hamburg Stealers?

Cory: I’ve heard nothing but good things about Hamburg, which led me to choose to play in Germany and experience baseball in Europe. I’m most excited to meet everyone on the team and learn more about the culture surrounding not only baseball but the country in general.

Stealers: Have you had any experiences with Germany or Hamburg before, and is there anything specific you are looking forward to in terms of life here?

Cory: I have had no experience in Germany, which makes it all the more desirable to go out there and compete with the best in the country. I think it’s awesome that baseball is played all over the world and can’t wait to play and compete to win with the Hamburg Stealers. I’m also excited to learn the history of Germany and get a better understanding of how life is like.

Stealers: What personal and team-related goals do you have for the upcoming season with the Hamburg Stealers?

Cory: The main goal of mine is to be around a bunch of good teammates with the same goal to win and create lasting relationships as well.

Stealers: What can fans expect from you on the field, and how would you describe your style of play in a few words?

Cory: The main thing fans can expect from me is a good attitude and immense gratitude for their support. I can’t wait to play for great fans and join the #stealersmovement.
