Fekete bleibt Teil der Stealers Community

Der ungarische Nationalspieler Sean Fekete hat seinen Vertrag bei den Hamburg Stealers verlängert und wird auch in der kommenden Saison ein Schlüsselspieler des Teams sein. Fekete, der sich in Hamburg schnell heimisch fühlte, sieht großes Potenzial im Team und freut sich darauf, die nächsten Ziele zu erreichen. In einem exklusiven Interview spricht er über seine Motivation, die besonderen Eigenschaften der Stealers-Community und seine Ziele für die kommende Saison.


…und was sagt Sean selber?

1.⁠ ⁠What motivated you to extend your contract with the Stealers and what are your goals for the upcoming season?

I resigned with the Stealers because I see the potential for our club. We have the opportunity to be a really good team next year and I wanted to be a key piece in getting us across the hump. My goals for next year are for us to win big games in the playoffs and make a push for the Championship. To take care of games in the regular season so we are in a good spot come playoff time and have our engines firing at the right time. I want to take that next step on both sides of the ball and I know Hamburg is the right place to make that happen.

2.⁠ ⁠What makes our community special to you, and how did that influence your decision to extension?

Community was a main reason signing with the Stealers. From my first weekend in Hamburg, it felt like a family event. It is clear that everyone involved cares so much and wants to see us win big games. From the snack shack to the livestream guys all the way to the players and coaches we are all in it together.

